
Date and time: 30. July 2011., from 12.00 continually

Event center (start & finish): Gerence fogadó, Bakonybél (same like Pannon O-Days)

Form of competition: one stage individual competition.
After first run you can have "second chance" and "third chance without map".
Results will be counted after first run.

Categories: women, men.

Course (preliminary): 3-400 m / 10 m / 12-15 cp

Timing: SportIdent.

Entry: on the venue.

Entry fee: 500 HUF/person (SI card renting 200 HUF)

Prizes: first three of each category receive prize.

Veszprém county

City of Veszprém

Village of Bakonybél

Euro-West Ltd.

Sopron Bank Burgenland

Herend Village Pottery

Bakonyerdő Ltd.

Bakancsos Foundation

Veszcart Map Studio